Some people, according to informal interviews, are not ready to immerse themselves in the wide world of Blogging for several different reasons, and some people are more willing to Blog but typically abandon their blog projects long before the benefits of blogging can be reaped. Regardless of the reason why you have not taken full advantage of blogging in the past, you should definitely get started now, or return if you gave up a blogging project in the past. Hopefully you will feel a little more motivated after the surprising information you will find below.
1. The number one reason why people are not blogging is because they are completely unaware of the extreme benefits attached to blogging, and how easily these benefits can outweigh the time and money expenses involved. There are plenty of people who are willing to tell you how great blogging is, but very few are typically willing to tell you why or how. Other times, it becomes easy to find out exactly how to get good results using a blog, but nobody instructs you on getting started. Discussing some basic facts about blogging may be just what you need to inspire you to make the plunge.
Have you ever dreamed about attracting visitors to your website in droves? You can receive anywhere between ten hits in a month, to a few dozen visitors in a single day, and all it takes is blogging to attract attention from search engines and the browsers utilizing them. Because blogs automatically generate content feeds in most cases, and because of the basic structure of a blog, these "web logs" make great food for Spidering search engine bots. So if you are looking to attract visitors to your website, blogging is definitely the way to go. Informational and informative blogs which engage audience readers will significantly shorten the sales cycle by allowing potential customers to get to know you and that will make them more likely to stick around or to visit repeatedly.
When it comes to consumerism, people tend to make purchases from people and companies that they like and trust. Visitors who get a personality vibe from your website and your blog are much more likely to make purchases from you. Writing a blog is a great way to show your personality to your visitors, which is a great way to convert browsers into customers.
Are you struggling to create new pages for your website in order to target search engine results? If you are not interested in the idea of hand-coding new webpages, blogging may be the answer for you because all it takes to add a new blog entry is to log into your admin panel, type out your thoughts or share some news, then press the "publish" button and you are good to go. Every blog entry that you post is new, fresh content which will attract search engines and new visitors just about as often as you post.
Blogging can do wonders when it comes to restoring search engine ranks, helping your website climb to the top of the search engine results again, as long as you have not been outright banned by the search engine. Blogs have an architecture which is search engine friendly by nature, and through blogging you can easily utilize your most important keywords without having them seem too over-used. Blogging provides a great way to receive some favor from search engine search results, and as long as you continue to maintain your blog you should also be able to maintain your page rank.
2. Many people also shy away from the prospect of keeping a blog because they believe either that it is difficult to do, or that it is expensive to keep up with. Neither of these are necessarily true, however. If you are too busy running a medium to large sized business, it definitely might be preferable simply to hire someone who can handle blogging issues for you, but if you run a small business or a home business with an online element for your company, it really is not difficult to create a simple free blog with an inexpensive customized template. If you hire a blog consultant, you can expect that they will do most of the work relating to keywords and so on, so that all you really have to worry about is logging in and blogging.
Many of the more common versions of blog software are either inexpensive or free, and each offers a host of customizable options which allow you to create your ideal blog simply and for only a small cost at the most. Blogging is simple, really, and does not cost much if anything at all to begin. So why aren't you blogging?
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