Adventures Of Linx, not to be mis-read as Adventures of Linix. If you are looking for a blog that looks at the upside of everything then this will not be the blog for you. The blog posts some of the things that are happening in the world on the bloggers take on them, as well as some posts related to his personal life.
The design is very basic and uses only 5 colors and no images, this is great for both loading time and the validation, it is also very nice for those who have been up for hours and are reading the blog, I always feel that it really matters how easy the blog and colors are on the eyes, and I tend do these reviews at 3AM and as such, I can comment on this area. The blog design is uncluttered and the lack of images gives the feel that this blog. The text and general style of the blog is professional. The menu is basic and contains only a small amount of information, it would be nice to see just a little bit more, the menu at current contains Archives, Categories and Links. It would be nice to see some more information such as how to contact the blogger and recent comments, however this is not to important. The menu is contains a very small search box, I found it hard to quickly go down to it without trying to aim my mouse cursor with skill, I feel like the search box could do with being slightly larger. The amount of posts per a page is.. 1. This really needs to be at least 3 as it is a waste of time for me to keep clicking next page, for example a interesting blog post on “Linx Makes A Mockery Of An Evangelist, Waits For Lightening To Strike†was hard to navigate to. This is something that the blog owner will have to address.
The content is very negative about every subject, however this is the aim of the blog poster and it works well by keeping the posts within the same post style, it also means the blog feels very unique and while being negative the posts always have a funny point to them, be it a image or just a general comment the poster looks at life and events around the world in a very unique way.
All together I rate this blog high, however due to the few issues which I stated above I shall only being give it a 4, which is still very high compared to some of the blogs. I wish the blog creator tons of luck, and to start cheering up! I must state I really do enjoy blogs which have been create just for the fun and general want to to please others, and this like lots of other blogs I reviewed is not commercial. So great job!