Take a minute to check out a little bit of the glamorous side of life and tour the famous South Beach. This blog will give you all that you need to know about the beauty that is South Beach including news, reviews, events, places to see, and things to do. The blogger loves and lives in South Beach and gives you both an insider’s and tourist’s point of view about this town. This blog is intended to provide something for everyone whether you are a tourist, frequent visitor, or seasoned local of South Beach. Check out some of the events and activities that are blogged in recent posts: Corona Light EVP Beach Volleyball Tour Hits South Beach; Art Basel Miami Beach December 7-10 2006; What moves you Miami?; Versace Mansion – Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask; Best of Miami 2006 – Miami New Times; and South Beach Dining Guide.
Navigation on this blog is fairly straightforward and that is probably because at this point there isn’t much left to it. Posts are left marginalized with standard blog features contained in the right navigation bar. These include blog stats (over 40,000 visitors), recent posts menu, recent comments menu, blog calendar, blog roll, and top posts. I really liked the comments menu, it keeps the author in touch with her readers and it gives them a personal ownership on the blog. Also, this blog does have (or did have) a fairly large following, with many local businesses seeking notoriety or mention through the blog. I also thought that with over 40K visitors, the site must be doing pretty good. However, with a years worth of posts on the main page, it is hard to say too much more than that that is positive about the blog. Further, I did not see a categories menu, and with a blog like this, I think it could really use one. Categories can include dining, attractions, history, shopping, beaches, and so much more. This specific niche is perfectly set up for a categories menu. The same thing could be said for an archives menu, which is nonexistent on this blog.
I am going with a 2 for this one. I love the niche and concept behind this blog, but a severe lack of updating has pretty much put this one in the dusty pile for me. Local business has obviously signed on to support this blog, and this is a marketing tool the blog is not taking advantage of, and one that could give it serious notoriety in the community. Again, having a years worth of posts on the main page is probably doing the score the most damage here, even a weekly post with some activity, highlighted attraction, or restaurant review would do this blog a world of good. Throw in a few pictures and this would be a fantastic South Beach blog. If the author decides to keep this one going, with these suggestions this could be a very successful blog.
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– Chrissie
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