If you are looking for a place where you can buy not only unique items, but those that are discounted, you may want to check out Mable’s Shopping Blog. This blog is not just another shopping blog as it offers not only coupons and discounted products, but it also contains a few fun and unique products that you might not find anywhere else. The site then links back to a store where Mable carries a host of items that are extremely unique such as retro and vintage, unique gifts, unique purses, and world of fun. The blog itself also offers many examples of the unique variety of items that Mable is showcasing. You can see this in any of her recent posts: Contest – How I (Wish I) Spent my Summer Vacation, Award Winning Toys, IM IN UR (noun) (verb) ING UR (second noun), Men’s Sunglasses by Dragon, Indoor Clotheslines, 10% off Gus Design Modern Furnishings, and Happy Summer: Get Outside and Stay Cool.
Navigation on the sites is fairly straightforward. If you are looking for something specific from Mable, you will definitely be able to find it here. The site is very colorful with black text on white background and there is a lot of color variations within the text. Posts are left marginalized with a right sided navigation bar. The navigation bar includes a welcome note, archives menu, a space for advertising if you are interested, blogroll, and some banners if you wish to link to her. It also contains a categories menu that is pretty comprehensive for a shopping blog and here you will find clothing and accessories, contests, fun, gadgets, green living, Halloween, holiday green gift guide, all kinds of splurge items, retro items, collectibles, and so many more.
I like the twist this blog has in comparison with other shopping blogs. I enjoyed how the blog offers eco friendly and green items, and how it incorporates contests into the blog. I think the appearance and its bright colors can be toned down, only a smidge though. Activity scores pretty well with posts every couple of days. There hasn’t been activity for almost 2 wks at the time of review, but that is not indicative of standard activity (perhaps a vacation?). I think the content is well written and fun as well and does not just advertise products but also makes lighthearted comments about them as seen in the post on Luxury Remote Control Pool Fun. I also like to see a recent posts menu on blogs, and that was the only thing missing from the navigation marks here. Otherwise, I think this is a fun shopping blog that has a lot to offer but just requires a little tweaking. This one gets a 3.3 from me.
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– Chrissie
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