The blog is not going to score well on navigation as it stands right now. There are some serious formatting issues that have taken out the navigation systems and reformatted everything to the bottom of the page. Currently the blog is black text on white background and it is difficult to tell where one post ends or begins. The bottom of the page contains all of the material that is generally found in the navigation bars: About Page, Recent Posts Menu, Contact Information, Archives in a pull down menu format, and a variety of various pull down menus connecting you to other bloggers in the same niche. I currently don’t see any categories menu though I do note each bloggerie contains labels. Most bloggeries also contain a variety of relevant pictures which, if the blog was formatted properly would definitely add to the appeal in each post.
I am going with a 2.5 for this one, as the navigation and formatting issues make this a very difficult blog to read as it stands right now. This formatting affects the appearance of the blog so it really hurts the mark. Content is good and the writing is user friendly for the topic which makes the posts more appealing. The blog is definitely one in a unique niche that would appeal to a broad spectrum as well. I would also move some of the AdSense around once the formatting has been re-established as right now it seems to be a little distracting. Overall however, the blog needs to take care of these formatting issues if it wants to sustain its readership.