If you are looking for some practical advice from another blog about making money, then you really want to stop and check out EzMoney. The bloggers here are fully aware that they are a fish in a school of make money online blogs, however, they want to create a more practical blog for bloggers that wish to make money. EzMoneyOn.Net is run by two bloggers and is geared to be a place where you will find different ways to make money online, in simple presentations. Some of the methods found here have been tried by these bloggers, and some of them are tried as they go along their blogging experiences. Either way, their process is published on their blog as are their results. To see how these bloggers are doing with their money making experiences, be sure to check out any of their most recent bloggeries: Easy money on the Net?; Free Banner Ads For You: Project WonderFree, Batch 6; Link O Rama: Get Links From Blog Carnivals; What is RSS?; How Much Money can One Make Online With Smorty; Entrecard: Free Advertising which Drives Free Traffic To Your Blog; and Bidvertiser: I month’s report.
The blog is well organized and thus has a clean template that is easy to navigate. Bloggeries are in black text on white background with a distinct ‘green’ header which to me, subconsciously makes me think of money. A great theme for the blog, nonetheless. Bloggeries are left marginalized and there are two navigation bars. In the left navigation bar you will find a menu with links to different pages, Categories Menu, and an Archives Menu. In the far right navigation bar you will find subscription information, Ads, Featured Posts Menu, Recent Posts Menu, and the Recent Comments Menu. Most of the bloggeries are textual, but the odd post does contain a relevant picture associated with it. Â
Overall, I give this blog a 4/5 The blog scores well on all scoring criteria. For navigation the blog does well as it contains all major essentials of blog materials, and thus making it easy to navigate. The blog has good user friendly and easy to read content as well, which gives it some solid credibility for a money making blog. Appearance wise the blog does do okay, though I suggest it add more pictures to the bloggeries. To me right now it just seems a little too texty, and some pictures would give the posts a little more life. I also think there is too much white space right now in the navigation bars. I would suggest either reducing the number of posts on the main page, or moving the navigation bars into one main navigation bar system. Overall however, the blog has a lot to offer and presents itself well enough to do so. For those looking for a blog about making money, this one has a wealth of practical tips to do so.