Bloggeries is going to look at another personal blog today, and this blog is known as The RhodesTer Chronicles. The Rhodester Chronicles, as the header tells us, is playfully pondering the universe in a strong personal voice on this personal bog. The Rhodester Chronicles is found on its own domain at and is a blog that literally chronicles all that is good, funny, or interesting in the life of the blogger. The blog is lacking an About page, but you can get to know the blogger better through any of their recent bloggeries: The 4th of Julie, Bad Boys, The Prestigious Palm Springs Savant and Co., RHODES? Where are we going?, A Brush with the Law, VLOG! Yes, VLOG, and WHOA, Like…..
For best navigation the blog is best viewed through Firefox, but overall the clean template of the blog design offers ease of navigation. Bloggeries are left marginalized, and are in black text on white background with links highlighted in blue. In the right navigation bar you will find Subscription Info, Categories Menu, Recent Comments Menu (known as Snarky Remarks), Archive Menu (known as In the Vault), Recent Viewers widget, and some blog directory widgets. Because the blog is a personal blog and is much ado about anything, the Categories Menu contains a little bit of everything relevant to the blogger in categories such as quest Posts, Hall of Fame, Hollywood DAZE, Perilous Pics, Raving Reviews, and so much more. Each bloggery is accompanied by at least one, but generally several, relevant pictures that add meaning and humor to the bloggeries.
Overall this blog gets a 4.65/5 as it is organized well and has a unique flavor to it. From a content perspective, the content is fresh and written well enough to make me laugh out loud, and was an enjoyable read, however a higher score here would happen if the activity was a little more consistent. Currently the blog is being updated every few days, and daily activity would more than likely get this blog close to perfect. The appearance of the blog is well done also, with a clean template and a wide variety of colors and pictures and no advertising to offer distractions. From a navigation standpoint the blog is well organized to ease navigation, however I would suggest the blogger add an About Page, as otherwise it is very difficult to determine the purpose of the blog. This blog is very creative and I appreciated the unique touches in the side bar with its quirky menu titles that offer a humorous tone to the blog, a tone that blends well with the blog content. All in all, the content will push this blog far, as the Rhodester Chronicles was an enjoyable blog to read, and it should do very well.
– Chrissie
P.S My only other recommendation would be that you join our Affiliate Program!