If you like getting free food, or simply like to hear good food reviews, then you may want to check out the Gimmie Something to Eat Blog. This is a blog authored by two bloggers who love to eat. These bloggers are committed to eating one new food a day and reviewing it for advertising dollars. That’s right, you send them your food and they will document the entire review experience on video and publish it on their blog. So if you are looking for ingenious ways to find a way to eat for free, these bloggers will definitely inspire you. Mind you, these same bloggers are giving back more than their reviews, but also offering a substantial fundraising opportunity for local food banks. For every month that they ‘sell out’ of food reviews, they will donate $300 to a food bank, and for every day that is sold, $1 to local food banks. This is an ingenious way of spreading the word about good food, and helping those less fortunate at the same time. And for companies or food sponsors, there is no warmer way to get your message across than by receiving a review from this creative team, and giving back to the food bank at the same time. Take a look for yourself at the good work this eating team is doing by checking out any of their most recent bloggeries: Pictures: Season One Episode 26 – Fluffy Jon and Mama D Take a Voyage on the Sea; Pledge to End Hunger: Can 5000 Really Feed 560,000?; Does Fluffy Enjoy Goji Berries?, and Fluffy has an Oat Dream.
The blog is fairly new and is organized into a clean template making it very easy to navigate. You will find handy navigation systems all round the blog in the header, footer, and right sided navigation bar. Bloggeries are left marginalized and are in black text on white background. In the top navigation system you will find links to the Home Page, About Page, Contact Page, and a ‘Send us Food’ link! In the right sided navigation system you will find a Search Bar, Testimonials, comprehensive Categories Menu, and a series of Information Links if you want to get more involved with the blog. And if you are a food lover, you will love the comprehensive set of food categories that you can read reviews on, such as Beverages, Dairy Drinks, Dessert Items, Energy Drinks, Juice Drinks, Meat Products, and so many more. You will also find more to navigate in the footer with Menus here for Categories, Archives, and Recent Comments Menu. Each bloggery is associated with relevant pictures and even videos of the food review experience and these add meaning and relevance to the blog content.
Overall this blog gets a 4.6/5 at the time of review. For such a young blog at only two months old, it has laid a solid foundation from which to grow. The blog offers many navigation systems on a clean template that is easy to use and easy to move around. The only suggestion to assist in navigation would be the addition of a Recent Posts Menu, as more episodes get added to the blog, readers will find this very useful in navigation. From an Appearance standpoint, this blog does well with its easy to read and aesthetically pleasing layout. Content is well done in a strong personal voice that is both creative but to the point, and this will definitely assist in reader retention. Activity scores are right on track as well, with this blog promising daily content and delivering it well. Overall, this blog is well done on every level, and should see some great success as it continues to grow. Food lovers will definitely want to take a bite out of this one!