If you are one of those women who prides herself on aging gloriously, you will want to have a look at Aging Outside the Box. Here is another blog based on a radio program called just that – Aging Outside the Box – Fabulous Women over 50. The host of the show and author of this blog is Shirley W. Mitchell, mom to 3 and grandmom to 8, who hails from Guntersville, Alabama and is a national author, columnist, and speaker. The blog is exactly what it sounds like, and glorifies all of the things she writes about in her weekly column as well as discusses on her Radio Show. You can see specifics to that extent by checking out any of her recent posts: ‘Aging outside the Box’ Internet Radio Show, Accents of Reflections, An Embracing Search, Living Outside the Box Package, Artist First World Radio Network, Special Gift Baskets for all Occasions, Aging Outside the Box Upcoming Shows, Artist First Interviews ‘The Golden Egg of Aging’, Listen in to the Show, and the Aging Younger Schedule.
I would like to say navigation on this site is simple, but the site is extremely busy with colors and advertising that I just found it quite difficult. Posts are left marginalized with a right navigation bar. In the right navigation bar you will find a lot of information with a lot of advertising smattered in between so you will really have to dig. But here you will find the about page, recent posts menu, archives linked by the week, news sites menus, magazines menu, healthy living menu, authors and writers menu, among so much more. I didn’t see a categories menu, and this is definitely something that is lacking from the blog. The posts themselves are very colored with specific colors leading to specific links, but otherwise standard black text on a white background.
I have to say 2.2 on this one, though I love the concept and I think this is an excellent niche, the blog itself needs some design work and alot more activity. The advertising is far too busy for my tastes, and the colors within posts and tag clouds I find extremely distracting from the blog content. The content however is excellently written by this established author so if you can get beyond the distractions, you will definitely enjoy the read. The blog has a readership of 4 at this point, perhaps with some format changes it would see that grow. I think this blog has a lot of potential, again, the niche is a good one to tap into marketing wise, but design is distracting from its overall purpose – the serving of the content.
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– Chrissie
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