Bloggeries is going to look at another personal blog today, and this one belongs to Nathan Pralle, a computer programmer writing from Sheffield, Iowa, USA. The blog is called PhilosYphia. Nathan uses this blog as a means to provide his own commentary on life, events, ideas, and throws in the occasional emotional rant or plea as well. He hops that you find something of value here, or at least amusement, which besides using the writing as a cathartic act, is why he writes the blog. You can get to know Nathan better and get to know some of his thoughts, reflections, and rants from any of his recent bloggeries: Cuddle Me Tightly, Let the Little Ones Drink, Images from a Closet Box, How to Revitalize your Refrigerator Door Gasket, 30 Years of Breathing, Distraught Lesbian Parental Woes, If I had Ten Thousand Dollars, My Child’s Freedom Looks Bleak, Looks go a Long Way, and Sometimes I’m such a Male.
The site offers a clean and well-organized design and this makes it very easy to navigate. Posts are centralized and are black text on white background with links highlighted in a green shade and most posts are accompanied by relevant pictures. There is both a left and right navigation bar and a top navigation menu as well. In the top navigation menu you will find the Home link, Email subscription link, Colophon, About Me page, and an ad link for I love my Phone Company. In the left navigation bar you will find a top commenters menu, Other Messes of Words menu, and buttons for where the blog is listed in directories. In the right navigation bar you will find subscribe buttons, latest posts menu, pull down menus for the archives by individual post, and a pull down menu for the categories sections which contains quite an eclectic mix of choices for categories on everything from emotions to marriage to travel and everything in between. You will also find the blog’s monetization through some advertising in this bar.
I will go ahead with a 4 for this blog. I think the blog scores well on just about every criteria. The blog is clearly well liked which is noted through its healthy number of comments in just about every post. If the blogger is interested in monetization I might recommend some AdSense or more advertising to take advantage of this healthy readership. I think the navigation and appearance scores are very good as the site is clean and well organized and thus, easy to navigate. The content scores are good as well with each post being very well written with clear, intellectual content. The only change I would suggest on the content is that the posts be broken down a little as they are currently a little lengthy and wordy. This makes for a long read and the blogger may lose some readers as a result. This could be changed by either breaking down the posts into a few posts over the day or over a couple of days. The blogger is not currently writing every day so the activity scores are hurt a little bit, but again, this could be changed by breaking up posts and spreading them out. Otherwise however, the blog is well written and aesthetically appealing and this all clearly sustains a healthy readership. With its wide range of topics it appeals to a large audience and I think this blog will continue to see its current success.