If you are a cat lover and looking for a fun read, you may want to stop in and see how Ariel is doing at Life Through a Cat’s Eyes Blog. Ariel is a Torti kitty born on the 4th of July and author of her own blog. She is self-described as a diva kitty whose interests include bird watching, cuddles and headbuts, tuna fish, treats, sleeping, blogging, and all of her feline friends. Ariel is a very good writer, and it must be from her appreciation for the film and literary industries. Her favorite movies include Garfield, Aritocats, and Cats and Dogs, and she enjoys reading novels such as The Diary of a Killer Cat, The Postman Always Brings Mice, and Madam Pastry and Meow. You can catch a glimpse about what it must be like to be a cat in any of Ariel’s most recent bloggeries: The Diva’s Rules for the Mom, A Day at the Vet, Nose Twin, Boring Tiles, Dum Neighbors, A talk with Mom, The Middle Name Meme, Very Funny, My New Catster Friend, An Honest Mistake, Kitty Pirate Fun.
Navigation on the blog is very simple, and as Ariel has made it clear her life is as such, one wouldn’t expect otherwise. Bloggeries text actually varies in color from day to day, one day it is green, the next it is purple, but it suits the theme of the blog, and well, we know how finicky cats are anyway. Bloggeries are set on a white background with a pink border that emphasizes her diva nature. Each post also contains very cute pictures of Ariel, and if you are a cat lover, you will enjoy them. Bloggeries are left marginalized with a right navigation system as well. In the right navigation bar you will find the About Page, a variety of Blog Awards, a very impressive Blogroll, Recent Posts Menu, and Archives that go back to March of 2006.
I am going to give Ariel a 3.6/5 here. Her blog is doing very well, and she has made many fans and friends in the blogosphere and has quite an extensive readership. This is probably accomplished through her very active, daily posting that is witty, creative, and very well-written. The blog itself is of course a unique concept and she has utilized this uniqueness to gain a healthy readership in her niche. I think the navigation system which is very well managed could only be improved through a categories menu. And I think Ariel is creative enough to come up with some cute and appropriate categories – naptime, Vets, feeding time, and etc. This would organize the posts a little bit and her many readers would be able to navigate her journal a little bit easier. I also think Ariel may want to consider monetizing the blog with some advertising. I am not sure how many readers she has, but it is sizeable judging by her blogroll and her frequent comments she receives. She may want to consider this to offset the costs of her vet bills. Otherwise, Ariel’s blog scores very well on all other accounts and this blog is a definite recommend if you are a friend of the feline kingdom.
– Chrissie