If you are looking for a blog that is all about computers, then you will really enjoy The Eches Net Blog. Here is a blog that is created by someone with a passion for all things computers and is for people who share that same passion. It is here that one can find anything from blogging tips, topics on different browsers, and more movies, music, and games that you could ever imagine plus so much more! The blog has been established for nearly two years and so has the advantage of being a great resource for finding out how things have changed, how they have gotten better, and what new items are always coming onto the market – as well as how to solve all of those pesky little problems that crop up from time to time and are so irritating! See this for yourself with any of the most recent bloggeries which include: PC Tools Internet Security 2009: Free 1 Year Genuine License Key; Windows Live Suite: Download Windows Live Wave 3 Beta; Protect your Computer with Avira Antivir Pesonal Edition; 8 Free Online SEO Tools to Check Complete Site Statistics; and Create, Backup, Restore & Delete Google Chrome Profiles with GCB, it’s clear that this site has a little bit of everything!
The site is extremely well laid out with a beautiful and professional template thus making navigation a breeze. Bloggeries are left marginalized and there is a top navigation system, and a double wide right sided navigation system. Bloggeries are in black text on white background and links and headlines are in blue. Very easy to find right under the header is a menu for all Recent Articles. In the right sided navigation systems you will first find subscription information, and then a handy search field if you are looking for something specific. The left sided bar then contains the Categories Menu, and Recent Comments Menu. The right sided bar includes links for menus called Network, Europe One Stop, and SEO Tech and Peripherals. The top navigation will lead you to standard links for Home, WordPress Themes, Links, Sitemap, Contact, and About Me. Although the blog is primarily text based with very little graphics, the design and color scheme of the site is also very professional and keeps in tone with the rest of the site as it is mostly done in a ‘Microsoft Blue.’
Overall this blog gets a 3.9/5 for review with just a few suggestions. The content is well written and in a user friendly voice that even newbie computer users can appreciate. The activity is not coming in daily, otherwise perfect scores would come in play here. The other aspects of the site however are very well done with the navigation being very easy, and the appearance of the blog very professional. I would suggest however adding some graphics to improve the appearance just a bit and make the opening page a little less text based. Overall however, this is an excellent site with a high recommend. This is such a great site, and truly what could be considered a one-stop shop for all those that are seriously computer-minded.