Have you ever been to Italy? Or are you one of those that has always wanted to but never really got the opportunity? If you take a minute to visit Italian Insight. You will come as close as you can to catching a fresh breath of Italian air without actually being there. David is your blogger and tour guide to all that is Italian on this website. He has recently moved back to the United States after having spent 20 years in Italy. He has worked and lived extensively all over Italy and his blog is designed to help you get the most out of any Italian experience you may have. This includes various aspects of vacationing and living in Italy from how to not be seen as a typical tourist to how to deal with security personnel. You can discover from David’s experiences all that Italy has to offer from food, wine, fashion, hotels, art, culture, and what he describes as the greatest people in the world. Have a look at some of his most recent bloggeries to see what I am talking about: Travel Tips – Medical Care while on Vacation in Italy, The Nights of San Lorenzo – Wine, Food, and Fireworks in the Squares of Italy, Barolo Ravera 2003 DOCG Elvio Cogno, Armani Prive – Women’s Fashion Fall Winter 2007 2008, Risotto with the flavor of Springtime – Risotto Primavera, Italian Garden Gnome Goes Missing – Save the Gnomes, and Fantini Club – Spa and Vacation Destinations to the Adriatic Riviera.
Navigation on this site is very straightforward and easily laid out. The posts are centralized with black posts on white background and there are both left and right navigation bars. In the left navigation bar you can find an archive pull-down menu where posts are sorted monthly, advertising, an Expats Italy Menu, and the Categories Menu. In the Categories Menu you will see how easily Italian information is sorted by Shopping, Fashion, Restaurants, Hotels, Recipes, Wine, and so much more. The right navigation system will give you the About Me page; advertising; Italian destinations, restaurants, cheese, and wine links; Blog Friends, book recommendations, and photo blog recommendations. Each posts is accompanied by relevant pictures that give a true feel for the Italian experience, and the blog is very appealing to read and look through.
This blog will get a 4.9/5 from me. I have no suggestions for this blogger, he seems to be doing an excellent job. The advertising is incorporated beautifully without being distracting. He also offers daily content that is excellently written and flows perfectly with his very easy navigation system. The blog is unique and appealing to the eye with all that it has to offer. I think this blog has excellent merits for both quality and quantity of his bloggeries, and would guess this blog will have continued success. If you are thinking about visiting Italy, or just want to know more about it, this blog comes highly recommended and is definitely one you want to bookmark.