If you enjoy reading personal blogs, then here is another that you want to take some time out for. The blog is called Correr es mi Destino which translated to English means “To Run is my Destinyâ€. The blog is also known as “My Life in Canada Under the Snow†and, among other things, contains a series of revelations on the author’s experiences as an immigrant to Canada. Juliette, though the blogosphere knows her affectionately as Zhu (ç ), is the author and creator of this blog and interspersed with her Canadian musings, writes about her travels and experiences across the globe. Zhu is French and currently living in Canada’s capital as a Permanent Resident though she has traveled literally across the globe. You can tell her fortitude simply by her occupation, Zhu works in Ottawa and teaches French to government workers, not an occupation for the weak minded. She writes on just about anything that crosses her mind, and beautifully at that. Grab your beverage of choice and peruse some of her recent Bloggeries: Games without Frontiers, Morning Glory, Fighting for What, Neigbor – ino, La Desperecida, The Wall, The World for Dummies, Of a Blog Award, Sicko (s), and The 416 Escape.
Navigation on this blog is very simple. Posts are centered down the page with black text on a light blue background. Each post also contains relevant pictures to each post and the blog is very easy to look at and to read. Down the left border is an eclectic collection of art work and in the right navigation bar you will see very easy to find buttons for FA, Who Am I (About Me), Reviews of her Blog (all glowing), and a button to get to the home page. The Right bar also contains her profile, a pull down menu for Recent Posts that she has called “Previously Onâ€. I am not sure if there is supposed to be a typo with this menu title, but the blog is so tongue in cheek it fits with the theme perfectly. You will also find a categories menu (known as ‘Done That’) containing categories such as Canadian Life, en Francais (posts in French), Immigration, Just Bloggin’, On the Road, Society, Travel, Working Girl, and ä¸æ–‡..Other interesting features in the left navigation bar include a time and date button, weather widget for her location in Ottawa, Blog Roll known as ‘Daily Blog Shot’, her Flickr Album, and a map of her visitors locations.
I am going with a 4.5 for this one. Zhu’s Life in Canada scores beautifully on all aspects. The blog has a very friendly appearance with nothing to distract from the content. In fact the appearance is extremely creative in and of itself which makes the navigation system incredibly easy. There is no advertising, as this blogger is blogging strictly for the love. Judging by her very active following she is very successful at it as well. Uniqueness scores are high as well, though this is a personal blog the range of the content is excellent and truly offers the perspective that the writer wishes to. The content is easy to read, and though it is a bit tongue in cheek, it is easily taken with a grain of salt and excellently written. The author is very good at expressing herself and her experiences. A look at the Bloggerie “Neigbor – ino†is an excellent example of this as it explains how easy it is to sleep in quiet Canada. The only place where this blog is not perfect is in daily postings. Simply put, we want more of Zhu. If you enjoy personal blogs, or hearing about global experiences, you will want to bookmark this one.
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– Chrissie
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