What would you think if I gave it to you FREE? Well, you would probably take it then, wouldn’t you? Wait a second, you don’t even know what I am talking about. In this day and age, it doesn’t really matter. The word FREE is one of the biggest marketing tools used today by many companies to get your attention. How does it work? They give you something free, make sure you fall in love with it, and get you as a customer. If you like FREE stuff, then you have to check out this blog: The Free Grabber!. This site is basically just a general site directing you to the companies that are offering free stuff. All posts come in the form of a FREE offer, and recent posts include things like “Free Blue Buffalo dog and cat food samplesâ€, “Free Slider Tieâ€, “Free San Francisco Visitor’s Kitâ€, “Free Planet Heroes DVD from Fisher Priceâ€, “Free Sample Whiskas Purrfectly Fishâ€, “Free Sample of Calgon Juicy Scentsâ€, “Free Golf Tees“, “Free St. Ives Healthy Brilliance Sampleâ€, and “Free Sample of Reynolds Slow Cooker Linersâ€, and “Free ID Lubricant Sampleâ€.
Navigation on this site is very easy. There isn’t that much to the site outside of free offers. There is a category section on the right-handed navigation bar so if you want specific free product, you can check out the Books and Magazines, Entertainment, Everything Else, Food and Drinks, Health and Beauty, Household, Pet Stuff, and Walmart Freebies. The rest of the right handed bar is pretty much just AdSense and advertising. I do like how there are relevant pictures in every post, and also that the navigation bar has content, even though it is advertising, right to the bottom of the page where most blogs find it difficult to fill up that very bottom space on the right side.
I will still give this one a 3. It didn’t feel really bloggy to me, the content offered what it was supposed to but I didn’t get any of that person-to-person feel that you should be getting from a blog. The post content actually looks a little cut and paste from manufacturer’s websites. I think the layout is nice, and suitable for the blog theme. The posts are pretty heavy though. With several going on a day, weeding through it to get to blog content is a challenge. I do appreciate the theme of the blog, everyone wants to find free stuff, but I would like to see some more meat on this page content wise. Otherwise just a website on freebies would serve the same effect.
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– Chrissie
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