Here we have a blog that is branching into the classified niche and is a blog dedicated specifically for the purpose of classified ads. The blog is called Carollo Classified – Why post anywhere else? and is a giant classified ads site with daily postings of new ads. The blog does not restrict itself to one market, so here you will find ads on everything from job openings to parrots for sale. The most recent ads posted here are Bargain – Well Maintained Aluminum Backyard Set $999, Asking just $200 for my Baby Yorkie, Part Time Receptionist Wanted for Real Estate, Boxer Puppy $300, Loan Offer, and Large Parrot Birds for Adoptions $250. I don’t find too much information about the author as there is no About Me page, and this blog looks like it is strictly being used for advertising and monetizing.
Navigation on the site is easy if you know what you are looking for, and it will be a little cumbersome if you don’t. The blog is full of advertising in both left and right navigation bars and even in the header of the blog as well. The header itself is a giant AdSense ad that has been incorporated into the header. The left navigation bar contains a host of google banner ads, link exchange ads, useful links, and a set as home page link. In the right navigation bar you will find some job openings, more google AdSense, and categories menu, and a link where you can make your own post to the blog. This seems to be the crux of the blog, as the owner is relying on others that use the blog to post the content and use the posts as a means of displaying their classified ads. From what I could tell there is no fee for this service, so this may be a good chance to advertise what you are selling for free. The categories menu is fairly comprehensive, if you are buying or selling something there is a spot for you. Some of the categories include Art and Collectibles, Automotive, Boats, Business Services, Electronics, Employment, Furniture and Appliances, Miscellaneous, Pets, Real Estate, and Tools.
I am going with a 2 on this one, the excessive advertising just really took this mark down. The advertising is located in every section of the blog, and the posts themselves are ads. The content can not be scored properly here since the author is relying on others to make his posts for him. The blog does do well with regular activity and ease of navigation to a certain extent. I think the blog could use some regular content that is not advertising that would still reach his readers and this could include things like how to get that job interview, how to determine a fake from a real antique, and articles of that nature. This way the blog does not only provide the service of where to find these things, but also on how to find them properly. I am not sure what the readership is, as there is regular posting from advertisers, so this readership could be used to the owners advantage by some formatting and cleaning up and adding informative content.
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– Chrissie
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