Atomic Mind Bombs by Mark Joyner is very simple, not much writing, but his own cartoons. The cartoons depict superheros, winners, losers, God and Moses and relate certain messages to being successful and failing.
For some reason this blog appeals to me. Having read a lot of blogs, sites, newsletters and such on how to make money online, I think this one is really good when it comes to motivating people to get up and try to get on the train of affiliate programs, business opportunities and whatever ways there are to turn websites into profit.
Mark Joyner also runs this online community. His blog gets a new entry daily. He also has an events calendar for his Simpleology seminars and even though the blog’s intent is clearly to advertise what he does, it still works well. I’ve been re-gaining interest because of it. I’m giving Mark a 3 because the blog doesn’t stand on it’s own. It is however very well done. I hope to see a little more information on it soon.
– Mike Dammann
Business Blog Directory