Well before I start the reviews I guess i should let you know my expectations and what it takes to get a review as well as what I go through to find blogs “worthy” of being in the spotlight.
Well for starters I expect a blog to be updated on a regular basis, now by that I don’t necessarily mean daily but that certainly makes it easier for me. I would say any blog that gets updated at least once a month would fit in what I call “a regular basis”, I just can’t see myself reviewing a blog that hasn’t been updated in several months. It all comes down to this, my goal is to get some bloggers noticed and if your not trying to help yourself I certainly can’t do anything for you.
Number two would be that I will only review blogs that are suitable for reading by readers of all ages so blogs that use foul language or do anything else that would tarnish the good name of this site or it’s owners will not get reviewed.
The third thing I look for and probably the most important thing is the content, what is it about, is it funny, is it interesting, is it informative, is it unique? Mainly is it something I can read and get something out of it to write about.
The next thing that comes to mind is that a blog must be listed in the Bloggeries directory, that makes pretty good sense since this is the Bloggeries community blog and I don’t think it requires any further explanation.
Well that’s about it, I like to keep things simple so happy blogging.