If you are looking for some financial advice, you may want to have a look at a blog about credit, debt, and personal finance. This site offers chexsystems help and bad credit resources. The owner of the blog, Steve, wanted to create this blog as an all-in-one community where people could come to find helpful information and advice on credit and personal finance. He also hopes this blog will help people fulfill all of their financial needs such as personal finance and loans, credit cards, and mortgages. The site is pretty standard and fairly easy to use, and in fact even the most recent posts offer some very basic pointers and FAQ so to speak on financial terminology. Check out these most recent entries: Compounding Interest vs. Simple Interest, What makes up a FICO Score?, Agloco – Newest Money-Making Craze!, Last Read: Why We Want you to be Rich ( By Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki), How a Cash Advance can help your Credit, and Making Money Online with Google AdSense.
Navigation on this site is very simple. The posts are left marginalized with black text on white background. The posts have been fairly frequent lately, and this trend seems to have picked up over the last couple of weeks. There is a bit of a gap between April and June, tho June seems to be picking up the pace. There is a right sided navigation bar that contains both an archives menu, with archives going back to July 2006, so the site is not quite a year old yet. Below that is a categories menu where you will find categories such as banking, ChexSystems, Credit, Debt, Insurance, Making Money, Misc. Mortgage, Personal Loans, Real Estate, and Welcome posts. There is very little left to offer on the site outside of generic postings on finance related matters. The posting seems very relevant however and is well written and user friendly, easy to understand formats.
I am giving this site a 3 as it is lacking a few elements. I think this site needs just a little jumpstart to build a readership. The content is excellent, I love how user friendly it is, and it answers key questions that a lot of people just don’t know about yet. However, with the exception of the last week or so, activity has been sparse. The site could use some relevant pictures, even pictures of money or credit cards or something to get people a little more stirred up about the content. Navigation however is very easy, so no difficulties on that note. And I think that it needs something to make this blog stand out amongst all the other finance blogs, it is lacking some kind of pop that will tell its readers that this blog is the one to beat when it comes to financial matters. Perhaps some widgets, feed readers, that kind of thing would be enough to spunk it up a little.
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– Chrissie
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