Bloggeries is looking at yes, another blog on how to make money blogging. The blog is called ‘Dat’ The blogger wants you to help him help you earn money with blogging tips through his own personal experiences. The point of the blog is to reach out to beginning bloggers to help them get on their way in terms of blog monetization. The blogger does this by discussing his own blogging experiences and showing what he has learned, and what he knows of the pros and cons of blog monetization. Dat Money blogger has been blogging for some time now and has numerous other websites including,, and To see exactly how the Dat Money blogger can help you, check out his recent bloggeries: NEW Weekly Cash and EC Giveaway at, How to Find and How to Get Advertisers to Buy Direct Ad Space, Does Technology and Blogging Belong to the Young?,  13 Blogging Forums You Should Join or At Least Check Out!, Dedication for my Fellow Bloggers – Are you?, What to Post? When to Post it? and March Madness of Blog Contests.
The blog is well organized with a clean template which makes it very easy to navigate. Bloggeries are left marginalized and there are two right navigation bars as well as a top navigation system. In the top navigation system you will find links to Home, Blogging Tips, Make Money, Contact me, About, RSS Feed, Special Thanks, Advertise, and Banner Designs. In the first right navigation bar you will find a lot of advertising, Blogroll, and blog directory widgets. Moving to the far right navigation bar you will find Popular Posts Menu, Recent Posts Menu, Recent Comments Menu, Categories Menu, Archives Menu, and a My Blog Log Readers Widget. Categories essentially contain everything you want to know about blogging including Blogging – Design, Blogging – MISC, Blogging for Money, Blogging for Traffic, Blogging Tips, Blogging Tools, Contests, and so much more.
I am going to go with a 4.2/5 for this blog, as it looks like it is doing well on all Bloggeries criteria. This was one of those blogs that I started reading for the review purposes and found myself wandering here there and everywhere forgetting that I was in the middle of a review. That being said, the blog scores very well for content purposes and definitely kept me interested in terms of the quality of the content. I did notice a few typos here and there, so the blogger may want to keep an eye on that, for example ‘conceded’ should be ‘conceited’ on the about page. The activity is coming in every other day it seems at this point so the activity score is hurt just a little there as I only give perfect scores there for daily activity. Navigation scores are good here also as the blog is clean and organized. The same goes for appearance as well, though I do suggest the blogger limit his use of hashmarks to cross out content. A little here and there adds some humor to the blog but they appear more than a little bit and it is a little distracting for the reader. Overall however, the blog is a good blog in terms of what it offers in content and appearance, and thus it serves its readership well. If you are looking for a blog about blogging, Dat Money is worth checking out.