If you are into movies, you are going to love this site. This site is designed for the couch potato DVD buff, the DVD Spin Doctor, consider it “Adventures in viewing and reviewing†from the author Glen Abel. The site is dedicated to ensuring you are in the know about all that is good and evil in the world of DVD’s and brings you just about every last tidbit of information you could want regarding DVD’s. You will find here DVD reviews, home video news, upcoming DVD’s, technology reviews, and industry information. This wealth of information comes to you from Glen Abel, an L.A. writer who has credits to his name such as The Hollywood Reporter, Reuters, and a wealth of global papers that have shared his work with the world. He is well-versed in the DVD world, is one that gets a first look at many, and knows what is what in the industry – and his DVD blog certainly reflects that. His DVD reviews focus on the DVD, how they look and sound, and he plays an emphasis on the bonus materials. I have to love that, I never take the time to watch those, perhaps he can enlighten me on what I am missing? He prefers DVD’s that deliver artistically, and you can see this in his wealth of reviews you will find on the site.
Recent posts include “Night and Day: Russian Tales of the Supernaturalâ€, “Meet your dream movie reviewerâ€, “DVD Reviews: True Grit, Rio Bravoâ€, “Week’s Top DVD’sâ€, “DVD Giveaway: Fired!â€, “Today’s new DVD’s: Leone, McQueen, and Clooneyâ€, and “Blu-Ray special: $499 player from Sony†among so many more. One of my favorite posts, “Meet Your Dream Movie Reviewer†will let you take a critic’s test to see which famous movie reviewer you are most in sync with. No longer can you have the loveseat arguments with your companion, see if someone else in the know actually agrees with you on how bad that flick really was! You will have to check out the post to find out more….
Navigation on this site is so simple, and given how much is included here that is pretty impressive. Posts are centered down the middle of the page, and there are both left and right sided navigation bars that are replete with links that will have you roaming and reading for hours. I could lavish pages alone telling you what is included here, but in the honor of time I will leave you a tidbit. On the left sided bar you will find links to the five most popular reviews such as “The Departedâ€, a full index to all of the reviews on site, a host of contact information on the author as well as his about page and additional blog. Check out some ‘Deja-Vu’ Reviews such as the Good the Bad and the Ugly, or if you are a true diehard then take some time out to see what other DVD bloggers are talking about. If you are shopping around for a new place online to get your home DVD’s, you will find a host of links here as well. On the right, you will find the wide assortment of categories this blog offers such as Academy Awards, categories for movie genres, recent posts links, and DVD theme pages.
This site is getting a 4.5 from me, near perfect. The only thing I would change here is the presence of advertising. I think this blog deserves its readership, and thus, any monetization from it. However I would move the right sided AdSense bar a little bit lower and keep content at the top of the page so that ads are not the first thing people see when they open the page up. This blog is definitely unique and certainly distinguishes itself from other DVD blogs, and the navigation is very easy. Further, it is attractive and appealing in design and there are plenty of appropriate pictures, and just enough as well. The content definitely scores very well also with phrases such as “Nixonian customer service†proving that you are fortunate to be reading an excellent blog from an accomplished writer. If you like movies, bookmark this one, there is something new everyday for you.
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– Chrissie
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