Ok, so I’m not a fashion fanatic. Whatever is clean and looks decent … I’ll wear it. I’ve always appreciated a good style in women, but don’t watch shows or keep up with what’s the latest trends.
So right now I’m quite surprised about having spend some time reading thru Fashion News without getting bored at all. What I like a lot about the blog is that there is no overkill on anything. One post is about handbags, one about clothing, then rings … you can tell that the person blogging is really into this. It becomes infectuous.
Celebrity Fashion definitely is something that interests many. Who doesn’t want to look like the stars which millions admire. Without spending all of your life savings that is.
You will also find some posts like Louis Vuitton designing in (the) dark talking about “the worlds ugliest boots” making fun of the taste (or lack thereof) which some public people like Mariah Carey seem to have.
All in all I give the blog a strong 4! It’s fresh, fun to read, has some cool pics and seems to be in touch with the latest. If you’re into fashion, bookmark it. If you’re not, make this blog the only fashion related resource that you will visit on a regular basis.
– Mike