If you are looking for another resource to get some tips on marketing your blog, you may want to check out the For All Your Blogs blog, a blog on blog marketing and resources you need to get your blog the traffic it deserves. I have to say, I have run across several blog marketing blogs and for a topic with a potential to get dry, this blog really gives you some new insights in a user-friendly credible manner. If you want to check it out, For All Your Blogs. To get an idea on the tips you will find here, check out any of their recent bloggeries: Backlinks-Text Link Publishing, Directory Submitter-Free Directory Software, The Free Site-Free Blog Services, Link2Me-Free Link Exchange Directory, Search Engine Myths Exposed, Adsense Revenue Sharing – List, and Blogoria Free Networking Tool.
The blog is only a few months old, but this is not easy to discover at first, which is interesting considering most new blogs are fairly obvious. The blog has a clean template and is nicely laid out which makes navigation very easy. Bloggeries are right marginalized and there is a left navigation bar. In the left navigation bar you will find a Vote for my Blog Widget, Advertising, a Recent Posts Menu for archived Posts with clickable links, Feedjit widget indicating blog post popularity, recommended reading, Link Partners, Traffic Generators, Blog Directories, Link List Information, Free Advertising Information, a Tag Cloud, and an Archive Menu. My first suggestion regarding navigation would be that some of the navigation menu be cleaned up a little. Perhaps the blogger could condense the formatting in the Recent Posts menu so that it does not simply look like a long list of links, though I do like the idea of a Recent Posts menu with clickable links for Archived Posts. I also think some of the link menus could be served better if they were condensed into one menu. For example condensing traffic links into one menu, directories into one menu and so forth. Right now this navigation bar simply looks like a long list of links and it could use some reformatting. I also suggest the Archives Menu be moved up the navigation bar closer to the top so readers can see it. At its current location at the bottom of the bar some readers may miss it. I also do not see a Categories Menu here, and I think the blogger could use this to organize posts better for their readers.
Overall I go with 2.4  for this blog. I really enjoyed reading this blog but think a little cleanup is necessary both for appearance, activity and navigation scores. That navigation bar really needs some work, but the content within it is very good for the niche of the blog. The content of the blog is well done, and in a user-friendly personal voice that gives credibility to the advice the blogger is giving. The activity is ranging from every few days to a few weeks in between, and I think if the blogger was able to focus on daily content they may be able to generate a more solid readership. Overall however, I think this blog has quite a bit of useful information at an early start, and this information is delivered very well also. If this blog continues on this path it should serve its demographic very well.