Here is a blog that anyone who enjoys gaming of any kind can and will appreciate, and it is appropriately named Game Addicts. The owners of this blog are self proclaimed gaming addicts and spend a lot of time not only playing, but coding games as well. With this blog they can add writing about games to their resume as well. The blog is very well written and hosts authors directly involved in the game industry and has credits from international press that puts them in an excellent position to report on the very latest gaming news. Their mission is ‘to report on the latest gaming industry news and play addictive games en route’. You can see they accomplish this mission very well through any of their recent bloggeries: Rumors of New Xbox 360 Bundles Afloat, Halo 3 sets New Entertainment Record, New PS3 Coming our Way?, Halo 3 Could Fire Microsoft to the Top, Pelican Controller Charging Station for the PS3, Burnout Paradise Confirmed, Eye of Judgement Priced, Shocked Three Times Over, Super Mario Galaxy Leaked, and Could Rumble be on its way for the PS3?.
You will find navigation on this site very easy as the site has a clean well organized design. The theme is white text on blue background and links are highlighted in fluorescent green and blue which is well in line with the gaming theme. There are two let sided navigation systems and bloggeries are right marginalized. In the far left navigation bar you will find a categories menu, latest posts menu, subscription options, affiliate links, and fave sites menu. In the right navigation system you will see AdSense that is very well blended with the overall theme of the site. There is also a top menu that contains a Home link, About page, and Contact information for the blog. Almost every post contains excellent pictures or graphics to add relevancy to the post and adds a dimension of meaning to the content. And given the gaming nature of the blog, the pictures are well in line with what gamers would expect and are of excellent quality. The blog also offers a Game Addicts Forums section where Games Addicts fans can meet with fellow gamers, coders, or game designers.
I will go ahead and give this blog a 4.5/5, it is clearly doing very well and there is little that I can offer as far as improvement would be concerned. The blog scores perfectly on all criteria with its excellently written content and easy to navigate layout. The blog also is very aesthetically appealing, and while this sort of theme may be difficult on the eyes for some blogs, it fits very well with the overall theme of the blog and it blends in beautifully. Navigation is so easy on this blog it deserves nothing less than perfect scores, and the same goes for Activity with its regular content that clearly keeps the needs of addicts met. If you are a fellow gamer, this is one blog you definitely want to keep an eye on as I see nothing but continued success for this site.
Those little widgets have the right idea by making quality content / products easily accessible. You have a great blog but you should make your older content more accessible than just browsing through categories which are quite long at this point. I would also recommend some more content and maybe a photo to your about us page. I wanted to give you 5 but without the search I had to modify Chrissie’s 5 to 4.5.
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– Rob