Well girls, if you are a fashion reader, then you want to take some time out for this one. Drop in and say hi to Alexis Dawes at Indie Lust. I love the name, Indie Lust, fashion for girls who want original, not off the rack. And Alexis delivers in this cute little fashion blog that seeks to go outside of the cookie cutter mold of the Gucci loving Vuitton toting trend of today. Alexis has her own unique style, adores jewelry but not skinny models. If you are looking for some unconventional fashion advice that will keep you looking your personal best, you have to pop into Indie Lust. Very cleverly written, her recent posts include: Dear God are you There, it’s Me Alexis; Ooh, La La! Tres Foxy!, I wish I could Embroider Like This; The Brit’s Show me some New Boudoir Vocabulary; Sprechen Zie Girly-Girl Handbagâ€; So you wanna be a rock star debutante; nature personified, and And the Lust-y for Best Description of a Foxy Dress goes to…..
Navigation on this site is very easy. Posts are left marginalized with black text on white background, and a smattering of very relevant pictures throughout each post. There is a left navigation bar where you can read all about Alexis and her fashion dreams. If you are an indie designer, Alexis also offers a page where you can contact her to get featured on the site. Browse through the Recent Posts menu on this bar, as well as the Categories menu where you will find just about anything you want in a fashion category. This Categories menus is very comprehensive, you can find main categories in Accessories, Clothes, Handbags, Jewelry, and Undies. Each of these categories then contains a series of sub-categories, so you will find belts and hats sections in the accessories category and so on. The blog is updated very frequently, so you will be able to find some indie fashion tidbits in every category, and sub-category.
I will go with a 3.4 for this blog, and mostly just because it is so new, it needs some time to grow with some readership. But the content is there, Alexis writes with a beautiful personal voice that I think her readers will find appealing. The blog is easy to navigate, the concept is unique and set apart from many of the fashion blogs out there, and the appearance is simple yet it gets the point across. The site is extremely comprehensive, and I can’t think of a thing to add to its content. But keep an eye on this one, it is still quite young but I foresee good things happening here.
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– Chrissie
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