For those of you that love to cook, you will certainly appreciate the tidbits and morsels found at the Lets’s Get Wokking Blog, though I do not recommend you come to this blog hungry. Here you will find a blog that has been created by a stay-at-home mom who loves cooking for her family and loves sharing the recipes she makes with the world. Contrary to the title, this blog does not limit itself to only cooking with a wok but true to its name, it does focus on cooking and having fun while you do it! The author of the site also has another cooking site, of which there are many links to on the Home page if you want to check out more of her great recipes. You can see this for yourself through any of the most recent bloggeries which include: Blueberry Cupcakes; Sweet Pork; Baked Portabello Mushroom with Ham and Cheese; Stir Fry Pork with Mushroom in Miso; and Steamed Egg with Tofu.
The blog is well organized into a blogspot template making navigation fairly easy. Bloggeries are left marginalized and they appear in black text on white background with links highlighted in purple. There is a double sided right navigation system containing quite a bit of material for the readers. Here you will find the About page, A translate this page widget, and a chat box which is a first for me to see on a blog. If you want to talk to Wokking Mum and tell her how much they love her food or to ask questions about her recipes or cooking in general, you can use this chat box.  This navigation system also includes a recent readers widget known as ‘Regular Diners’, Subscription Info, Upcoming Recipes, a Categories Menu known as ‘What Was Wokked Here’, Archives Menu, and various advertising and blog widgets. Each bloggery is associated with a relevant picture which adds to the hunger factor as you read through this blog.
This blog gets a 3.3/5 due to the fact that I was very much enjoying this blog until I started wading through the navigation system. The navigation bars on the right offer readers a wealth of opportunities to connect with the blogger which I really liked, however, these sidebars are very disorganized and not easy to follow through. I would suggest dividing the navigation bars into two systems, with one system being the bar that contains blog essentials such as About, Subscription, Recent Posts, Categories, Archives, etc, and leaving the other navigation bar for these fun widgets. This bar is not organized well and it is very distracting to the reader. Activity scores need work as perfect scores here are the result of daily activity, and appearance is affected by the navigation system. The content of the blog however is doing well to sustain a readership, and is very appealing and in a lovely personal voice. The concept of the blog is very good as well, and this also is aiding in sustaining the readership. Overall, this is a great blog with great content and a creative way of asserting itself, however it does need some cleaning up and tweaking before I would bookmark it. Following that however, it would definitely get a thumbs up from me!
P.S Would of loved to post a picture but they can’t copied due to a script the blog has installed.