If you are an Internet Marketer, or just trying to make some money with your blog, in which case you are still an Internet Marketer, check out Mubin Ahmed’s Internet Marketing Blog. This site comes from a very dynamic 22 year old who has traveled the world but still finds his computer chair the best place to be. His goal, to help people make money. Yes, this IS another how to make money on the Internet site, but it offers a bit more punch than some of the ones that I have seen. Some of the recent posts are about making money and they offer Internet Marketing news tips which is something not often seen on most marketing sites. His recent posts include, “Agloco Viewbar does exist! Here’s Proof!â€, “Are you the Next Internet Millionnaire? Reality TV Hits the Webâ€, “Tired of Updating your Blog or Site? Make Money from Its Decline!â€, and “How Robert Makes Money Online and Gives Away His Secretsâ€. With eye-catching titles like these, it will not be long before Mubin has an established readership even larger than his current 107 base. Some of my favourite posts included “My $1,500 Adsense Month” and “How I made $2,683 without Adsense. The Post you have all been waiting for.”
Navigation on this site is very straightforward. Here you have a what you see is what you get kind of blog. Posts are left marginalized with black text on white background, and there IS a blog navigation bar but you have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to get to it. Here you will find categories such as AdSense, Affilliates, Agloco, Ebay, Internet, Making Money Online, Money, MySpace, Personal, Proxy, Technology, and more. Even more interesting is that the posts seem to be fairly evenly distributed throughout the categories, making this a pretty comprehensive blog on its topic. Currently there are photos lacking from the overall site design, but the opening page does have a relevant YouTube video that does lend some interest.
I am going with a 3.4 for this one. The content is very well written, and the eye-catching titles of the post make you want to read them, even if like myself, you aren’t an Internet Marketer. The site scores on the average scale for uniqueness because it IS another Internet Marketing site, and needs some formatting work to spice it up a bit. Perhaps some You Tube videos of Marketing gurus, or some audio on the site as you open it up might set this one apart from the rest. The navigation bar needs to be reformatted as it is currently very difficult to find in its location at the bottom of the page. Activity scores some extra points here, in May there has been a post every day. Lastly appearance needs some work again, the site is somewhat bland looking and the AdSense is very distracting. With some of these changes, I think the content of the site which is fantastic and very well done could gain some of the credit it deserves.
– Chrissie
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