If you are the type that enjoys saving money, and really, who isn’t in this economy, then you will want to check out The Money Saving Blog. The Money Saving Blog is found on its own domain at and is written by two money saving fanatics. Meet bloggers Kathryn and Captain Frugal who will teach you everything you need to know about saving money. Kathryn herself is a freelance writer which means she has had to work hard to maintain frugality in her life and budget. Captain Frugal has learned from a young age that a penny saved is a penny earned and has made it his life mission to beat the system a few cents at a time. At The Money Saving Blog you can get a heap of information and promotional codes that may make your life just a little less expensive. To see this tips and promo codes for yourself, check out any of the recent bloggeries which include The Most Stupid Financial Decisions of All Time, Money Saving Website of the Week! Rather-be-shopping.com, The 13 Most Disgusting Ways to Save Money in 2008, How to Save Money on Air Fares and Holidays, 10 of the Strangest Things People do to Save Money, and 10 Quick Tips on How to Save Petrol.
The site is well organized and thus is fairly easy to navigate. Bloggeries are left marginalized and there is a right sided navigation system as well as a top navigation system over the header. Bloggeries are in black text on white background and links are highlighted in blue, and the overall theme is very colourful adding aesthetic appeal to the blog. In the top navigation system you will find links to Promotional Codes Home, A-Z Promotional Codes, Money Saving Blog Home, and Contact Us. In the right navigation system you will find the About information, Popular Posts Menu, Categories Menu, and a Recent Readers widget. Not sure if the widget was designed this way on purpose, but it looks like the iPhone theme, which IS mentioned on the blog through bloggeries, and I found that to be a very creative element of the website. The blog is fairly young with only a few bloggeries to date, but you will find many relevant categories to get you started with categories such as Money Saving Tips, Frugal Living Hacks, and more. Most bloggeries are associated with relevant pictures which adds to the overall theme of the blog.
I give this blog a 3.7/5 at the time of review, as it is fairly young and needs a few tweaks to get its ball rolling. From an appearance standpoint the blog is aesthetically pleasing and the advertising blends well with the theme of the blog so as not to distract from its content. The blog is well organized and thus easy to navigate, however some blog essentials are missing that may compromise navigation as the blog grows. I do recommend the bloggers add in elements such as the Archives Menu and a Recent Posts Menu. The lack of an Archives made it difficult to determine the age of the blog, though that may be intentional given the blog’s youth. Readers may look for this though and I do suggest the addition of this feature. I also find a Recent Posts Menu on any blog is a useful feature, particularly for regular readers who do not subscribe to the RSS feeds, so this addition will complement their current Popular Posts Menu which already adds to the navigation system. The content is well written and personal to the reader which lends to the credibility of the blog, but activity could use some consistency. Currenly bloggeries are coming in every couple of days to a couple of weeks in between, and the bloggers need to maintain some consistency to engage the readers regularly. Overall however, for a young blog this one is definitely off to a great start with its unique content and appealing concept, so as this blog grows, it should be very successful.
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