If you are looking for another blog that may offer you some fresh and professional opinions in the world of website management, have a look at the Nomad One, a blog that offers you advice from a strategically focused, ethically motivated, creative professional. The blog is found on its own domain at and is owned and authored by an independent design and web consultant. The blogger is a designer and graphics expert both online and offline, and also works in communications and marketing consulting. He sees himself as a nomad, and is constantly migrating towards ‘a positive sustainable future’. He feels he has a responsibility towards humanity to add value to others lives, and to be beneficial to people in order to help everyone create a beautiful future. You can see this for yourself in the nomad’s recent bloggeries: What’s this about then? About Us Pages and Their Purpose, VeloCITI Session #3 – An introduction to Finance, The benefits of a Free WordPress Website for Startups, Time to Refresh my GTD Approach with GTD inbox for gmail, Springwise: See-saw power for Schools, WordPress Meetup #3 Planning Gains momentum, and The Benefits of a Free WordPress.com blog for startups .
Navigation on this site is interesting, as this site’s appearance looks more like website than a blog per se. There is regular posting, and these bloggeries are left marginalized. Generally left marginalized blogs offer a right navigation system, however there is no right navigation system here and this space is left blank on the blog. There are navigation buttons on the header to see services the blogger offers in design for web, logo, print, illustration, animation, and advertising. The footer offers a navigation system where you will find social networking contacts, What I’m Doing menu, Search bar, Archives Menu, and a blogroll sorted by categories such as sustainability, creative, web, and so on.
I am giving this blog a 3/5 and primarily because this blog reads more like a resume and less like a blog thus affecting its blog score. Because the blog is focused on promoting the blogger’s career and services, it is lacking a lot of the blog meat that makes a blog interesting to read. This ultimately may be affecting the blog’s readership. Appearance scores need help here as mentioned mainly because of the empty sidebars. This leaves a lot of empty space on the blog that the blogger could use with some necessary blog meat. The blog could use some menus such as a categories menu and recent posts menu for example to beef up the blog a little. I also think the about page could be better read to indicate more what the blog offers as opposed to what the blogger himself offers in terms of services. It is difficult to tell for example, other than resume purposes, what the blog is offering to the blog community. The content is well written however in a personal user friendly voice there, and if this is maintained the blogger will connect with his readers well. However the activity is lacking with bloggeries having several days in between posts, and regular traffic will be more likely with regular activity. Overall however, the blogger clearly has a lot to offer and if he organizes his blog a little bit better, he will be able to communicate that clearly to the blogosphere.