~da greyscale world: when da real one waznt good enuf. Along with this less than articulate block of text, visitors are greeted by an impressive custom black and white header. As I looked through this blog, I realized that it’s only strong point were the integration of pictures and graphics. Other than that, I wasn’t very pleased with it.
To begin with, the blog has a dark background with white text. Although this color scheme can work for certain web sites, I don’t ever believe it’s good for blogs (way too hard on the eyes). However, in the case of this blog, it almost works out, due to the lack of content. When it comes to blogs, there is one thing that can make them or break them: content. Now it’s not necessary to update a blog four times a day, but any respectable blog should be updated daily (even if it’s only with a picture, video or news story). In the case of ~da greyscale world, although it has been online since February 2006, it only contains nineteen posts.
Of these nineteen posts, most read like a giant run-on sentence. Most blogs don’t need to have flawless grammar, but it is a little ridiculous to try and read an entire post that is the equivalent of a text message. As I said earlier, the only redeeming quality of the posts are that they have quite a few pictures integrated (although a few of the pictures are missing due to uploading errors).
I wish I could right more, but honestly there is not a lot that caught my attention. Overall, ~da greyscale world is a good example of a personal blog that started out with good potential, but slowly fizzled away due to lack of motivation. Creating a blog is not an easy task, but if you are willing to invest the time and effort, you will be very pleased with the end product.
-Tyler Banfield
A Day in the Life