Ah, here’s a cute little blog for all the cat lovers including myself.
Ragdoll Cats is a very informative blog that any cat lover would enjoy reading. Aside from the normal blog posts you will also find a photo section with some pics of some adorable cats.
Some of the more recent post offer tips on comforting female cats in heat, ringworm, wild kitten behavior and general cat care and maintenance. The blog is updated several times weekly so there’s no shortage of reading material for all of us cat lovers to enjoy.
The blog is very well written and easy on the eyes, and we all know how some blogs can be hard to look at for extended periods. I found it quite amusing that every post had the word ragdoll in it, I would call that very clever considering the name of the blog. I was unable to determine the name of the blogger that maintains the blog and I do usually like to give credit where credit is due.
This is definitely another blogger that deserves his or her moment in the Bloggeries spotlight.
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blog review