Today’s review is for a photo blog, the blog is called San Francisco Daily Photo. I love art and photography so when I realized there was a photography category in the directory I had to review one of the blogs listed there.
The blog, as one should already assume consists mostly of photographs, some unusual some extraordinary, some just make you wonder why were they photographed in the first place.
There’s not a lot of text but they say a picture is worth a thousand words so the author gives a brief description and the rest is up to the picture.
Judging from the number of comments for the posts I’d say I’m not alone in my opinion that the author/photographer is doing a great job.
There’s not much else I can say, you will have to take a look for yourself and formulate your own opinion.
As for my favorite photo in the blog, I couldn’t decide on one but the top three would be the ones posted on the following dates and in no particular order, Feburary 7th, March 22nd and March 24th.