If you are a technology junky or into security related equipment, go take a look at Spy Review: The Spy Gadget Blog. I couldn’t help but hum the Mission Impossible theme song in my head when reading through this blog. This blog aims to create a community where advice and experience in the security and surveillance industry can be shared. It provides a host of information, reviews, and advice relating to the security industry. And you will find a lot of information here on some really cool gadgets. If you are not in the spy industry, that alone is worth popping in to see. Recent posts here include Hiding a Spy Camera in Clothing, Zoom Telescope for a mobile phone, A poll on what your favorite spy product is, spy reviews back to March, and the list is quite comprehensive. Related posts include creating a camera with X-Ray Vision, Hiding a Spy Camera in a Pillow?, Invisible Wireless Covert Earpieces, Color Thermostat Spy Camera, Spy Camera Hidden in Shower Mirror, and so many more. Each post is accompanied by corresponding photographs so that you can see the gadget in detail and find out how it really works. I didn’t know whether to be wowed or creeped out when seeing these things, as I was truly amazed at how many common everyday items can be turned into detective devices. It almost left me wondering how many of these things are floating around out there without our knowledge. However, the posts are well researched and well informed, and provide excellent content to the audience of 111 readers.
Navigation on this site is very straighforward. Posts are left marginalized and run down the page with standard black text on white background. On the right navigation bar you can visit the Spy Shop and purchase some of these doodads, and flip through the very well organized categories if you are looking for something specific. Categories are sorted by specific devices: audio surveillance, books, circuits, computer surveillance, counter-surveillance, covert spy cameras, DIY spy gear, interviews, location tracking, new products, self defense, spy phones, and so much more. There is also a chance here for you to register for the site if it is something you really have a vested interest in.
I am going with a 3.7 for this one. The content is very well written and the site has some appropriate pictures with each post. The site also scores well on uniqueness as this is not your every day blog you stumble across. I also found the site very easy to navigate. I was however so distracted by the AdSense that it was actually the first thing I saw when opening up the site. This needs to be toned down a bit, perhaps blended in with the right navigation bar or even just not as prevalent as it is now. Posts are also coming in every 2 or 3 days which brings the mark down a bit as well. I would suggest finding news pieces or somewhat related information if there is not enough “gadget related†content available for the site. Overall however, I found it be very cool to read and think it is a good resource for anyone interested in the Big Brother is Watching you notion.
– Chrissie
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