Deciding on a dog food shouldn’t be a difficult decision, but for some reason pet owners are at a loss for words when it comes to which dog food is best. Part of the reason for this is because there are hundreds, if not thousands, of dog food providers to choose from. Another reason is that every dog is different, meaning the dietary needs of dogs range drastically.
A common question on the minds of pet owners is whether or not to make the switch to a dog food with lamb. All dogs need protein in their diet, but the type of protein is up for debate. PetMD says that “dogs need protein to build, heal, and maintain body tissues and to protect and regulate body process.” There are several reputable animal proteins to choose from, the most common being beef and chicken.
Lamb is another great choice, but for some reason it slides under the radar a pet owners set out to choose a dog food. Here you can learn about why making the switch to dog food containing lamb is a good choice.
Lamb is Packed with Essential Amino Acids
Humans have been eating lamb for thousands of years, and not just because it tastes delicious. As long as you are OK with eating animal products, you should start eating lamb today to experience the numerous health benefits that come along with this protein. The first benefit is that it contains an insane amount of essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. A few of these include zinc, Vitamin B12, and iron.
These elements promote healthy muscle growth, build the immune system, and give the body energy. This is true for humans, but also for canines. As long as you choose a lamb-based dog food that is high in quality, your dog will reap all of the health benefits that come along with consuming lamb protein.
Lamb is a Low-Fat Protein
If your dog is getting a bit chunkier with old age, it might be time to consider ditching the beef-based dog food. Dog food contain beef comes with a great deal of fat. Even though fat is an essential element of a dog’s diet, too much fat can cause a dog to become, well, fat. Lamb has a much lower fat content than beef or chicken, so your do will be able to shed a few pounds when you switch to lamb dog food.
Lamb is a Great Alternative for Dogs with Allergies
Did you know that chicken is one of the most common allergens in canines? This comes as a shock to many pet owners. It’s no surprise that many dogs experience allergies and food sensitivities to foods like wheat and corn, but chicken is another big allergy-inducing ingredient. Lamb is an amazing alternative to chicken, especially if you suspect that your dog has a chicken allergy. Of course, there’s a chance that your dog could have a lamb sensitivity, but this is extremely uncommon.