For those moms that need a little bit of a break, or for some comedic relief from another mom in the same boat, you will want to check out The Soccer Mom Files. The Soccer Mom Files blog is written by a ‘very attractive’ soccer mom with two ‘gifted kids’ and describes herself *tongue in cheek* as an incredible wife and an overall fantastic person. The blog is a good dose of humor for other soccer moms who need a comedic break in their day or just by anyone who’s looking for a daily dose of humor! The humor in this blog is the blog’s greatest attribute, and anyone, soccer mom or no can appreciate it. Particularly in bloggeries where the blogger discusses her ‘penchant’ for rednecks and describes a CMT reality show known as ‘Redneck Weddings’. See more of this humor in any of the most recent bloggeries which include: My Mind is Going… College Football is Back!, Nice Wine Rack!, That’s Just how I Roll, I’m as Patriotic as the Next Guy but…, and White Trash Martha Stewart!
The first thing you can not fail to notice about this blog is its unbelievable large header, which I have to say takes away from the navigation of the blog. The header is cute however and will be your first impression of this blogger’s sense of humor. The bloggeries are left marginalized with a right sided navigation bar that contains the blog essentials. In the navigation bar you will find the Entrecard, About Page, Blog Awards, Blog Poll, and Blogroll titled ‘Listen to Mom and Read These Blogs’. You’ll also find here some advertising and the blogspot Archive Menu which also provides recent posts in clickable links. There are many images that can be found within the bloggeries, with each having an image of its own. This not only makes the bloggery more interesting but the images are often very funny! The design of the blog is quite well-done as well although it can’t seem to escape that basic “I am a Blogspot blog†feeling.
This blog gets a 3.5/5 with just a few suggestions. The blog could use a categories menu, and while the blog seems to be more personal in nature, I still feel the blog would benefit from this added organizational feature. The activity of the blog is well done, with updates coming in daily, and the content is well written and very funny. I think the self-absorbed nature is the overall theme of the blog so take it or leave it. I find that theme to be funny, as I am sure do other readers, but it gets a bit much. The appearance of the blog is neat and clean, but I would suggest changing the size of the header as it is very distracting, and it gives the blog a long load time which, for new readers, might turn them away. That said once loaded it is a nice header. Lastly, while this element does not effect the review score, I would suggest the blogger move this blog over to her own domain for the mere fact that her excellent content would then remain her own. The blog has the readership to support its own domain, and the blogger would definitely have more control over what goes into the blog theme and organization. Overall however, this is a fun and quirky blog to read and recommended to anyone who wants their daily dose of humor.