You sometimes get one of them blogs and wonder why the author is even bothering. And as harsh as it sounds I feel I may of found one of them. Let me introduce you to The Wedding Party First let me start by saying that this is my personal view and others more connected to the blog poster may be more interested and have the blog as something they will read more, however I am reviewing this blog as if I was just some random searcher on Google!
The design is basic and very hard on the eyes. There is a header image which in some sense is nice to see something slightly unique about the blog, however I am sorry to say this is where the good points about the design end. The banner image has rather clearly been done by someone with no photoshop skills, it looks like it could of been cool about 5 years ago, however as the internet changes the style used is clearly not working on this blog. The next major issue for me is the font color, using dark purple on a black background not only looks bad it makes it hard to see for both normal vision people and even harder for people such as me with color blindness. I am not going to preach and suggest that everyone should put tons of effort into making there blog easier to read for those with bad vision, however it helps both them in the sense of visitors and everyone else. The menu is bland and as normal with most blogs is on the right, the first content on the right menu is the Contributors, I do see how people like to get there name out, but I feel it is more important to introduce the visitors to the content before introducing them to you. Next is some rather pointless, badly uncompressed images with silly quotes from the author. This could of worked if the photos did not look like they were just found on the authors computer and stuck there as a filler. Also on the menu we have other pointless things such as “Cool Sh*t” and recent mayhem. The archive list being at the very bottom of the menu and below the fold of the page on a 1024 resolution.
The content writers seem to have a need to use swear words in every sentence, now in some ways this could work, however mixed with the design it feels more like a 13 year old teenager wrote it rather than someone wanting to share information. What is more is that the content seems to have no direction and is more of just chucking what ever they can think of onto the blog, this certainly does not work due the lack of category’s. What content is does have however is written well, minus the over-use of swearing.
Overall this blog could do with alot of work both on the content and design, and I am sorry to say this is the first blog I have reviewed that is going to go into the trash and only gets a dismal 1 rating from me, please however comment if you feel it deserves more!