In this day and age, knowing how to produce additional revenue streams can come in very handy. At the This Blog Will Pay My Mortgage Blog, you will learn just that. This is a blog that has been created by the author to do just that – pay his mortgage with the income he makes from the blog. Not only will he pay his mortgage with it, but he’ll show you how you can do it too! While at first glance it’s clear what this blog is about it’s also clear the blog is just what a helpful and informative blog should be: nicely laid out, easy to read, and full of great information that the reader can actually use! You can see this for yourself through any of the most recent bloggeries which include: Top 3 Youtube Tips, Seven Deadly Sins of Twitter Marketers, Make Money Online – Become a RAT!
The blog is very well organized and this makes for ease of navigation. Bloggeries are left marginalized and appear in black font on beige background with a right sided navigation bar. In the navigation bar you will find subscription information, Twitter Updates, Latest Entries, AdSense, Archives Menu, Blogroll titled ‘Get Organized and Inspired’, Most Popular posts menu, Great Bloggers Menu, and Recent Comments Menu. Although the blog may seem to lack uniqueness in a world that is full of money-making blogs, it’s so easy to use and navigate that any other additions may just impede on the site’s biggest strength which is its top notch content.
This blog gets a 3.6/5. The subscriber count seems to be on the low side, and this could be improved with daily content being fed to the blog (and ultimately, the search engines). Navigation wise, the blog has all of the features a blog should have, which is important for all blogs but especially for blogs that are focused on making money. The only suggestion I would have for easier navigation would be to make the header a clickable link, as many readers such as myself like to use that for a handy anchor when navigating a blog. For appearance, the blog is good. Though it is not the prettiest blog per se, you will overlook this fact when you get into its top quality content that is easy to read, easy to apply, and informative if you are serious about making money online. This blog could definitely use some kind of personalization as the theme is rather generic right now. I also like the random spattering of images, as this does not distract from the blog and the blog clearly does not rely on heavy images or other frivolous wastes of space but leaves the content to speak for itself in a nicely organized way. With just a few tweaks, this good blog could become a great blog and see some definite growth in subscribers and readership over time.
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