Overall this blog gets a 3.4/5, as it simply lacks some meat and at this point, looks a little sparse. The blog is also not consistent with activity, with few bloggeries appearing in the month of September. More consistent activity such as daily, or a couple of times a week would certainly assist growth in traffic to this blog, as well as more subscribers and regular readers. The appearance of the blog is good at this point, I generally do not go for the black background, as this makes for difficulty in reading, but the blogger has offset this challenge by using a large sized font that is very easy on the eyes. The background also allows the colourful pictures to stand out more, and given that they are recipe pictures, they really bring the blogger’s recipes to life. Navigation could use some work as previously mentioned with the addition of some blog meat, but the content is well done in a strong personal voice that makes for easy reading, and easy to follow recipes. Overall, this is a great concept blog but needs some tweaks to improve and see future success.