If you have ever found yourself wondering ‘I wonder if I could find a website on….’ then this blog may appeal to you. The blog is simply called Website Reviews. The blogger is Malthy Badri and she offers a wealth of websites and blogs that you can ‘stumble onto’ in any field. Malathy is a Math teacher in India and blogs for both fun and money. She will also review websites that appeal to her, but may take consideration for other reviews based on content, design, presentation, utility, and navigation. You can get a good feel for the types of sites that interest her through her recent bloggeries: Tools from Highfivez for blog promotion, Plug and play VOIP phones from Nimbus, Why Satrnum changed to Friend2Friend, Enter the Indian Thought Terminus, Read your Feeds through IM, The news feed merger, Join review bloggers blogroll, Listen to your own posts, free podcast, Adsense Alternative by Ask.com, and many more.
I generally like to say that blogs are easy to navigate, however this particular blog is fairly loaded with AdSense that I found it to be distracting from either navigation or content areas. The content is centralized and there are both left and right navigation bars. Bloggeries are a blue text on orange background and links are highlighted in red. The header is standard text with no graphics, and directly below is a large span of space that contains the About Page and some AdSense. In the left navigation bar you will find the about page and an Archive Menu that lists Recent Posts by link. In the right navigation bar you will find AdSense, sponsored links, tag clouds, and a feedburner that contains 1 reader. You will also find here the blogroll and a link of frequently visited links. There are labels attached to each post but at the time of review I did not see a categories menu. There also at this point no pictures associated with the bloggeries.
I will go with a 2/5 for this one, there is just too much going on here that has little to do with content. I think the AdSense is far too overloaded and it is the first thing you deal with on the blog. Also, while the site is very colorful, it loses some appearance points for not having pictures as well as the advertising issue. Content is well written but needs some activity. Currently there have only been 10 posts in August and more frequent posting would definitely help with traffic here. Being that this is a site on website reviews, a categories menu would benefit readers in knowing what kind of websites are reviewed. Also, some information as to how one would obtain a review would be extremely beneficial. For a blog that has been around since 2006 I am not much surprised that there is only one reader in the feedburner as this blog has too much distraction going on to allow the reader to focus on content. I hope the blogger can make some changes and consequently see this blog succeed.